A short diary section ig. Not sure I'll say much here on account of not much happening to me ever really.

I don't want to do my work even though I know I'll be absolutely screwed if I don' I'm here to talk to just to talk.
The past week has gone smoothly which I'm thankful for (I had a productive day on wednesday for the first time in a long time. I don't
mean it in the sense that like...yes productivity output good. I was honestly working like I was before I was so burnt out
and it was welcome. My cell physiology lab on thursday was busy, but fine. I made good use of my time. Relaxed in the library after.
Happy I got a good grade on my quiz. I spent the extra day we got off because of good friday chilling and finishing fanservice paradox.
aaand that brings us to today.)
The last ten nights of Ramadan approaching very quickly which is very
alarming because I haven't even locked in yet. Yesterday after taraweeh, there was a bunch of food stalls set up and I enjoyed
the air of it. Spontaneity is good sometimes. I would have liked to stay longer, but I felt bad for my brother who was waiting
to leave. I got two tacos (the birrio one was so, so yummy) and a hot dog. I haven't been eating or drinking enough lately so
I was craving Food. A filling meal. Something I'd be excited to eat instead mindlessly shoving it down.
My brother seemed down on the way home. The stress of school and work and looking for an internship and the state of everything
seems to be really tiring him. It seems like everyone is going through a hard time and it's sobering to see. I always find it
very strange when my parents get on his back about all these little things when I genuinely think he's the more diligent kid here.
I ate my tacos when I got home and that counted as my 'suhoor' as opposed to getting up early to eat again. I lowkey liked it!
I'm too tired to eat properly at 5 am.
As for today...I didn't really do too much. I deco-ed my planner a bit since that's been lying in waste for the past three weeks.
Slept more. Tutored. Did some more things I don't recall. I don't feel like doing anything at all. I know I said I wanted to talk
just to talk, but I don't actually know if that's true. I don't want to talk and I'd actually prefer if no one would talk to me
or acknowledge me because I don't want to deal with that right now. Lots of restlessness here.
Birth my ARTMS came out. I enjoyed it! I do agree that the song is a bit lackluster (not neccessarily in a bad. I still like it
as a lowkey, relaxing listen), but the MV is what really shines here. Love when concepts are artistically and visually
interesting instead of feeling like a means to end? Loona has always been great for this. Choerry and Haseul's lines are so lovely!
I also listened to a lot of p5r's soundtrack again because I craved some easy-on-the ears, loopable music. Ideal and the Real was the
main one I looped. Made me miss the game a bit.

easing up for a bit here
I finished my terrible, terrible rough draft of a personal statement yesterday. I reserved a few days just to do that, but in the end I simmered in anguish and anxiety till the day of. It's to be expected considering the mental toll of picking among half-truths to present a "authentic" story is...a really mindfuck. The relief of finishing was so, so nice though. Today, I think I was surprised by how tired I was. It was distinctly not the sleepy kind of tired, but the worn-down kind. I pulled myself through my classes in a half zombie-like state. I only had one class today and it wasn't too bad. Just learned about cell cytoskeleton stuff. I caught up with queen of tears on netflix which I'm reallyyyy enjoying so far, but am 100% bracing for it to get bad. I'm also sick with a cold which sucks. Save me dayquil...

what to read or watch next
- I could start reading ruzhui by pdl while I'm on a kick of reading longer things. It's all about the momentum, baby. I heard someone say that's more slice-of-life-ey that pdl's other works and I wouldn't mind a slice of life right now! It makes for an easier read during school that is.
- I could reread the night circus by eren morgenstern. I got the idea too while playing persona 5 because the whole Joker and Akechi are pitted against each other by the gods reminded me of the main characters in the night circus who are pitted against each other in a larger than life type of way. Times like these make me crave something atmospheric and the night circus will forever be one of the most magical-feeling books I've ever read. The different perspectives and time-jumps and overall various expressions of love on different levels of's good stuff!
- I could reread and catch up with the murderbot diaries by martha wells. A collection of short novellas sounds doable. It occurred to me a few days ago that I don't consider myself a sci-fi enjoyer, but I do in fact enjoy a decent bit of sci-fi. I like the colder, uneasy air of a technological-heavy, corporate-dominant future and characters navigating that.
- I could reread and finish the queen's thief series by megan whalen turner. I read the first two books years ago and they were great, but I guess I got distracted because I never got to the remaining four books. Gen and Attolia...they were insane actually! I think the author is such a talented writer because the way the narrative makes you believe you know the characters and then turns over your assumptions about them by the end is sooooo well-done. Fantasy series are a bit daunting to me these days, but I really love what the author offers here.
- I could watch a game playthrough of ib or citizen sleeper. The ib characters look so cute and I have no idea what the story is, but I assume it must be good. I only learned about citizen sleeper while I was browsing through different neocities blogs and one of them had a quiz that was like 'take this quiz and get assigned a game'. So I got citizen sleeper and honestly, the soundtrack from the trailer was so good that I've been listening to the entire ost for a while now. It touches the part of me that craves sci-fi right now at least. Game playthroughs are relaxing so it's a worthy consideration for the coming weeks.
- I could finally, finally, really (not fake), properly read the project sekai story. It has very bite-sized episodes which make it convenient. And I've literally been meaning to read it since the game first arrived on the app store....wonderlandsxshowtime are my kids and I feel bad for neglecting them..

coffee shop
Yesterday: I finally checked up on my little pollen storage experiment that I probably should have checked on earlier.
It's not thaat big of a deal. I'll find something to say to my teacher later. I don't really care to think about it too much.
There were more cars in the parking lot than expected, but I didn't actually see anyone inside the building.
I also went to the bookstore again, not looking to buy anything, just there to peruse. I'm kind of itching to own volumes
7 and 8 of skip and loafer already, but I can always buy them later too. It's a lot easier to say no to yourself at a store
when you're an adult. Obviously, when you're a kid, you're not always privy to how money works and how much of it you have,
but I think a part of why it's so hard to accept You Can't Have That Thing is that you don't know if you'll get this chance
again. It's easy to say no to myself now because I know the various things I want and I trust that there's something I can
want in the future that I'll be able to buy if I say no now. If you're a kid...I mean who knows if your parent will bring
you back to this store again.
Anyways, I wanted to pick something to at least read while I was there, but I wasn't particularly in a reading mood. Everything
I wanted to read was either wrapped or the beginning of a longer series I didn't want to commit to at the moment. I settled with
the first volume of phantom tales of the night. A quick read, but only because I found it very mediocre. It's about a spirit inn
where these monster-like beings let humans stay in exchange for a secret they have. These people are already dead, however. They just
don't know it themselves. After all, a dead person doesn't really care if their secrets are exposed. I thought it would be people willingly
coming to tell their secrets because of their own anguish, but it's more like...the innkeepers running these people through altered
simulations of their life to root out what their secret is. Each chapter centers a different person with a secret. I just didn't
care for how the innkeepers seemed to judge these people/human nature for how foolish the decisions they make in these simulations
or their secrets are. I mean. I guess the point is that the innkeepers aren't human so of course they misunderstand human nature.
It just feels a bit stupid to me because the vibe of these simulations is the innkeepers being like...hey let's take this vulnerable person, manipulate
them, give them the tools to make poor decisions, learn their secret and talk to them condescendingly the entire time/berate them for
not realizing or wanting to admit the truth of their secret. I just don't think this says that much about human nature. Maybe that is
a point of criticism the story will explore later on, but I'm not sticking around to find out. I think I would have liked it more if
the story's atmosphere was less edgy. A secret doesn't have to be linked to shame or always be a bad thing...Sometimes a secret is something
you took to the grave accidentally because you never told anyone/couldn't articulate it in your lifetime. Oh well.
After, I started building this rolife miniature coffee shop set with star. It's been a long time since I've done something like this.
I didn't think too much about it going in, but it really a character-developing exercise. A real exercise in patience, not being a
perfectionist and simply trusting the process. I bring forth the image of me gluing window pieces together and thinking 'oh...
this is like a character weakness of mine isn't it'. I got the basic frame done so it's a lot of the small appliances and furniture
and things from here. I look forward to finishing it.
Spring break is ending and I don't want it to. Soooo many little and big responsibilities from here on out.

reaquainting myself with like. being a person outside
Yesterday, I went out with friends for the first time in actual eons. Hooray for spring break. It was just the usual run (store to another store to
another store to another store but this time to get snacks to friend's house which serves as a kind of HQ).
My car is actually so I know this, but sometimes I become extra aware of it and it amuses me but also rip to this poor vehicle.
It's not the car by the way, it's me...(or my driving abilities to be more precise). The license plate on the front is bolted on still, it's
just that the frame is kind of...hanging off and I cannot for the life of me figure out when that happened. The right side is still banged up (not new but it's not like it became invisible)
and the right side just has a bunch of bird poop. When I was leaving the house there was an abnormally large number of robins in
my neighbor's yard which I thought was so cute until I realized they were probably responsible for the poop. This car has served me
well even if I haven't served it well LOL. If this is my character gag, I have to say I really am like all the older sister type
characters that drive their car recklessly (saeko from haikyuu...I understand you deeply).
I bought some pokemon cards since at this point it's just routine to stop at gamer's world to sift through them. A lot of
my picks were ones that reminded me of apollo (AA4)...litten...fletchling...etc.
Later, at the kinokuniya I saw that a new volume of play it cool, guys was out (!!) with new chapters that I haven't read in them
so that's something to look forward to. I got some snacks at the bakery as a post-iftar investment. Oh and a little phone charm of
a cat hanging from an umbrella since it matches my phone right now.
The day passed quickly, but also not too quickly I think. I don't really like greeting aunties in general, but this year it's such
a pain to do so after taraweeh...I just say hi, ask how they are, say I'm fine and just...leave before they get the chance to say
anything else. I understand the appeal of a person who says hello to everyone...and I admit that it can be nice when people acknowledge
my existence, but it's such a chore...Actually it's even weirder when a stranger (muslim) greets me just because I'm also a visibly a muslim.
I used to really not care for this because I dislike the attention in general and also [weird religion feelings], but I've warmed up to it. When I was shadowing an
anesthesiologist, this one surgical assistant used to take the time to explain things to me even if he absolutely didn't have to
on the sole basis of he's muslim and could tell I was one too. Basically, the attention and perks are nice sometimes. But also. I don't like initiating hellos ever.
Half the reason I have to say hello to all these aunties is out of fear they'll tell my mom I didn't say hello and I've been through that
hassle enough times.
This morning I woke up feeling icky and I haven't been able to shake off the feeling the whole day.

hard week duology
Two weeks are over. Everyone cheer.
I am. so tired. The first of two hard weeks featured lots of deadlines and the second of two hard weeks featured a
presentation and three tests/quizzes. More simple pollen experiments. I guess it's fine since it's over with, but man
am I exhausted. What's really amazing here is how I'm able to get as far as I can with the bare minimum effort. Anyways,
the only other notable things of note are that I have been reading Fanservice Paradox, been adding to my site a bit more
and oh yeah Ramadan has started. Which means things get a bit more neurotic around the house, but I also get the feeling
everyone's more tired this time around. I got my period though so I obviously haven't been fasting, so it doesn't...really?
feel like Ramadan has started?
Last year, I was actually better with the whole good muslim routine because I had shit to ask for that I realllly needed to go
my way. It's not like that this year. It's just the same old enduring game with a little less urgency. I feel guilty though,
and like. half paranoid that now is really not the time to be forsaking god or anything. This is probably partly why I've been
cracking a lot of jokes about going to hell and reading yaoi/yuri in Ramadan lately.
The above is me if I gave a damn. That being said, I don't quite want to waste this month either.
I'll get it together today (the daily declaration). Spring break has started and my to-do list has left me feeling it might
not be much of a break. I'm still very much in a school mindset. While I've been adding to the site, it's actually been forever
since I pushed an update for real. I'll probably do that soon.

Nothing has changed significantly from the last time I wrote. February was a blur. I want to read/watch something that will
emotionally wring me out. I remember like two years ago or so, I was talking with my friend who watched a lot of dramas
and I didn't get where she found the time. Well, I get where she found the time now. Stress-watching save me! Save me stress-watching!
I'm very much doing the bare minimum these days which doesn't feel good, but it's kinda all I got in me. Where it gets agony-ful
is the fact that it feels like I'm personally disappointing some of my teachers. It's stupid and I know I shouldn't care, but :sob:
You know how test anxiety is a thing? I have like whatever is the opposite of that. Hands on work that's actually pretty simple anxiety.
Does this bode well for my future? No, no it does not. It was so embarrassing when I almost wiped out the cells I had to care for in lab
which I still don't know how I managed to do. I guess this, too, is part of my idgaf training.
I've been listening to a lot of Taeyong's TAP which is very nice and comforting
to listen to. My brother came back for the weekend which I'd like to say is a good thing, but it also just means about 40-50% more arguments
in the house. I've been making an effort to save money these days which,,I think? is going well? I just feel guilty for spending money.
I can't think of much else to say. I have a pretty shitty week ahead of me (maybe the worst of the semester) so if this week could pass
without me wanting to die that'd be lovely. I'm glad this year is a leap year. Still weird as hell that it's March though.

the nonzero chance my teacher will tell me to kms tomorrow
I finally got my hair cut today which was great. It was about past my waist and I very much disliked it and
I can't I felt any will to properly take care of it. But it's short now! Yay! This weekend was spent watching more jdramas
and reading random blogs again. I'm of the opinion that procrastination is never laziness, but I do think there's procrastination
that *feels* like laziness and then procrastination where it's all too clear that you're afraid of starting the work.
Yes, I'm afraid of starting the work and I would think I'd be over this feeling by now but no...Learning is a pretty normal
part of life. It's normal to suck and then practice and then in most cases, you'll get better. So, it doesn't seem like it
should be a hard thing to do at my big age of 21, but it is.
Recently, hearing my parents bicker took me back to 2020/2021 when everyone was on lockdown/at home a lot. It seems far away now
(I'm at a place where I almost feel nostalgic for it even though that's me finding the past that I know of safer than the future
I don't know), but I realized that maybe one reason I'm such an anxious person the past few years is because the average, mundane and persistent
stress and annoyance I felt every day back then just like. got absorbed in me and came out another way. Kind of weird to think about,
but I think it's a plausible thing. Turns out I am experiencing the results of the little actions (and thoughts. and feelings.) in ways
I did not consciously realize. Wonder if there's something I'm experiencing now that will have some unexpected output in the future.
Anyways. No. My teacher will not tell me to kill myself tomorrow so I should just hurry up and do my work and stop procrastinating.
A poem I am thinking about it is For a Student Who Used AI to Write a Paper
. Not that I'm planning on using AI for the work I have to show my teacher tomorrow. I just find myself thinking about the last few lines.
But what are you trying
to be free of?
The living? The miraculous
task of it?
Love is for the ones who love the work.

end of a year + the start of a new one
It's actually been so so long since I last stepped foot in here. I didn't exactly forget about it, but I kinda forgot about it?
More accurately, there were just other things at the forefront of my mind. Busy times. I feel sad about the idea of this site
becoming a loose thread I never tied up though so even if it was forever I'd still come back to it.
Recently, for the first time, I've started properly and regularly using a planner. Typically,
I just tended to keep everything I needed to do in my head and make spare to do
lists when I feel like checking off something, but these days it's harder to do. It's not like my workload has increased
dramatically. It's just that the amount of things I need to keep in my head just keeps growing. It reminds me of when I
first started high school and I found the difficulty to not be the work itself, but the mental space necessary to manage it all.
Very much seems like adulthood is like "yeah here's another thing to think about now" repeated n times.
In middle school, they forced us to use these assignment notebooks that were essentially a planner. Can't say I really used it
how I was supposed to, but they hold a lot of memory just from all the doodles and bizarre jokes written by myself and other
people. It's pretty strange to see inside jokes that stop making sense/being funny with time. Inside jokes but the insiders
include you from a specific point of time and not the you that is here now.
Anyways, I got a hobonichi weeks planner that is navy blue with green seahorses on it. Its practical use has since been proven
since it's how I can actually use the stationary that I have and feel like things are a bit more manageable. It's useful as evidence
that I Live and Do Things so down the line I don't start thinking that I did nothing with my time or have nothing to show for it. But
it's also useful for times like right now where I summarize What's Been Going On.
I really barely had any energy to do finals, but I managed to squeak through. It's actually so surprising that I got good grades,
because I legitimately did the bare minimum. For one of my final essays, I started 2 hours before it was due and turned it in without
meeting the word count. I was so idgaf pilled during my biochem final that I was the first to leave and my friend who was actually
making an effort in the class looked at me incredulously lmao. Anyways, some things lined up the way I wanted to, but some didn't.
I got accepted to do research with a teacher I liked. I also didn't receive emails and calls from people I really wanted emails and calls from.
Waiting is so fucking hard. I think at some point this month I was trying to schedule a teeth extraction surgery, but there is a
specific lady who does that and she was just. never in the office. I called like. at least three different times because I needed it done by a specific time. I later
found out she was going through a family death which is fair, it's just unfortunate that I felt crazy about this because I needed
one (1) thing going right.
Anyways, I spent the waiting game of December in a very kms mood and I distracted myself by going outside often and spending hours at
a time playing persona 5 royal. Which I will talk about in another section of this site I have yet to make. Oh yeah, my birthday was
also in December. Everyone on social media who was making jokes about how harrowing one's early twenties are were not being hyperbolic by the way
because what the hell...I think when I was a teenager, it was like. Oh, I'm 16 but I still 15. Oh, now I'm 17 but I don't really feel like it.
Oh, I'm 18 but- etc. I turned 21 but I actually feel 21. I think it's a testament to how your early twenties are a big amalgamation of a soup
and it's like yeah. Let's turn a year older why the hell not. 20 is not that different from 21 is not that different from 22 etc. Guess I
finally figured out that the hallmark of adulthood is not feeling like your shit is together, but like the weight of responsibility that
comes alongside agency I guess. 2023 was very much about feeling the responsibility...lmao. I was kind of put through the wringer this year
and I grew because of it -_- like it was kinda for the best damn. I was/am living life in the trenches. Well, I guess I'm less aimless than
I was my first two years of college, but I guess it feels like I'm scrambling now.
January was kind of hard but also last January was worse. so. Crazy to think it's been one whole year since I read jwqs. qiyan baby
this one's for you ♥. Thankfully, I was able to complete most of my job shadowing hours for the program that I'm in and I built up the
courage to ask for a rec letter. It turns out part of being well-adjusted is quite literally trusting the process which I hate, but like.
It's true. Things do tend to be dealt with/work out. My aunt and uncle also came over and we ate out a lot. I may have become a beef liker,
shockingly. I tried my best to ignore by natural antisocial tendencies and spend time with them. I was like half successful maybe?
The rest of the month was spent taking this online async intro to religions course (as a winter term course) that was required. Played p5r (this week I will finally
get to beat god who wants me). Entered a jdrama arc.
It's only been one week since second semester started...I don't even mind 8 AM classes, but everyday is a bit rough...Nonetheless.
It's okay. I'll be slacking off again because uhh burn out things, but it should be alright. I had a meeting with one of the people
in my program to make sure I'm on track and it turns out I am in fact on track and I was seriously soooo fuckin relieved. Things are manageable.
I'm procrastinating doing my work right now which is why I wrote a whole entry, but its like 7 pm now so I should really. get on that.

I kind of dislike titling these entries actually..too much thinking than I care to do. Anyways, thanksgiving break
was actually quite pleasant and for once in...a hot minute, I came out of it actually feeling rested. I don't really
remember what I did..I kind of just stayed at home the entire time, but god if I don't love staying at home. Normally,
my parents and their friend group plan (several) get togethers during this break, but I was free of that this year.
The child me that was dragged to all of such events used to pray for times like this.
Anyways, the rest of the semester smooth sailing. I'm waiting on a few emails that I REALLY hope go in my
favor and am trying to be normal while I wait in the meant. Also! There has been snow the past few days and it's so lovely
and pretty and I love winter so much. Mentally, I have clocked out from any and all responsibilities and would like to
experience joy and fun. I've been listening to Carly Rae Jepsen's The Loveliest Time and for an album that has such winter vibes,
it's so surprising that it was released in spring.

Recent trends in the past month or so:
- I entered the part of the semester where I rot in bed way too much, I read one good yukeru fic (which reminds me. maybe I should list my fav fics somewhere on here) which prompted me to explore the yukeru fic economy.
- There was this one day that got really randomly cold and I had to de-ice my car and since then I've had to de-ice my car twice (which I am not ready to do regularly. I will simply be late to everything idk).
- I finished watching a playthrough of ace attorney investigations: miles edgeworth and started watching the second game. Callisto Yew my beloved.
- I caught up with my miniature life manual which (which is soooo sweet and is partially filling the hole left by daily jojo).
- I discovered the existence of fem buggy fanart. No I still don't really want to watch one piece, but buggy is very cute and silly to me and his fem fanart got me feeling some type of way. It actually reminds me of how I felt with this one particular artist's fem mahito fanart lol!
- I made pretty decent progress on my site..I think? I mostly just switched to a grid layout because I couldn't heart yearned for yearned for the columns. I've also been perusing other neocities sites because it's actually quite fun to keep up with random people's blogs. Who is surprised that the slice of life liker likes reading about the ordinary events of strangers' lives.
- For the past two weeks or so, I've had such a bad streak of being late and skipping classes lmao...which. I am always an advocate of skipping class, but it was a bit much even for me.
- It's the end of (the semester) times so I'm like half miserable. It's never cause the work isn't manageable and more like I dislike when I'm half-assing because I have no choice to at that point versus when I consciously choose to half-ass because I know I can afford it. Yes, I have mental problems. I'm trudging my way through these waters though (worked on my paper about melon anatomy and evolutionary history for the better part of the past week). I have moved from the 'thinking about what to do next semester' stage to 'actually signing up and properly planning for things to do next semester' stage and it entirely makes me want to throw up but's the only way to stop anxiously thinking about it.
- Recent piece of amusement is probably the soobin from txt's flipping his middle toe in a leaked instalive with seunghan from riize 'scandal'. It's silly and exactly what I expect from kpop. All there really is to know is that this is the third time some anonymous person in seunghan's life leaked his private pics/calls allegedly because they used to date seunghan's gf/ex-gf something something basically they want him out of the group. The funny part though is these instalive calls have a total of 3-4 people so seunghan absolutely knows said person. Take this with a grain of salt obviously but that's the gist. It's serious in that celebrities deserve a right to privacy of course but I have to admit this is just. kind of hilarious lmao. I just enjoy celebrity drama and online discourse that's so insane or stupid...actually in the same vein there was some 'scandal' where some random ateez hater posted a pic of two cats and was like this ateez guy and hyunjin from loona are dating because look at their cats together here (hyunjin's cat paldo is very cute and me), but the funny part was said ateez guy doesn't even have a cat. I mean, chef's kiss really. No notes.
That's all from me really. I hope I am not fucked in the coming weeks and that I don't have any existential crises about what I'm doing with my life!!! yahoo!!

no longer interested in checking the facts girl
There is too much strawberry shortcake in the fridge and I am back on my spider solitaire grind properly (since like...
2020). Recent craving is probably sweet drinks in general because I'm indulging a lot more than I normally do. Because of
the agonies of course. My cousin came over the other day and idk if I ever really properly spend time with family when
they visit like that, but somehow it always seems like someone is visiting when I'm in my most extenuating circumstances.
I've been figuring out general plans for the next semester and am probably more stressed about it than I should be...unfortunately,
I think this entire year has been 'if I get to x time period I will be okay, but also I will be substantially worse than now so
the passage of time should stop being so cruel to us all'.

I like when people take pictures of kpop idols who happen to be holding books and then they actually find the book in question
and it's even funnier when it's like a gay book. If I were an idol, I'd just have so much fun with that personally. Anyways,
it's fall :> Fall always creeps slowly but also not because there's some sense of anticipation I have for it. But at the same time
I always have to pay extra attention because it's a season that lasts like..a month before it just gets Cold and it's undeniably
winter. I bought an apollo and trucy sticker that was fall themed and I really do hope it ships so I can put it in my phonecase while
it's actually fall.
The past few weeks have been relatively calm. I announce my idgaf era every other day but it's real (not fake) (so true) (we are
so past alleged) (etc) this semester idc. I will continue to have a calm and easygoing time (threat). Since summer, I've been watching
a lot of ace attorney playthroughs and convinced myself that I actually will play persona 3 and 5. Which is to say I will attempt
a proper gamer arc. This actually means something, because I'm actually the last person built to be a gamer.
Gacha games can be fun,
but it doesn't matter what psychological guilt trips or game design they encode because if I don't want to login everyday I simply won't.
Unfortunately, that turns into weeks at a time. I picked up genshin again mainly because I was curious about fontaine. I haven't cleared
sumeru though so that's what I've been working on (I couldn't even start it right away because I had to unlock chasm). Glaring observation:
I am so bad at gaming it's not even funny. Star started backseat gaming me when I couldn't understand why this rock I was hitting for a quest wasn't breaking.
If there is a player cue...I will miss it anyways. My fightng capabilities..abysmal. sobs. This can all be traced back to my
childhood where I was not allowed to play any video games meaningfully and I was banished to game playthrough land. I was an iPad kid before
everyone called them iPad kids.
A small list of games I would say I have meaningfully played: the basic wii games like wii sports, cooking mama etc, many tycoon mobile
games whose in-app purchases radicalized me, various online browser games (duck life, penguin diner, haunt the house etc), monument valley (mobile game), alto's adventure (mobile game),
undertale till I gave up and watched a playthough, this one plant splicing mobile game that always started to feel impossible, reigns (mobile game),
genshin & arknights
Games I didn't play but was fascinated with nonetheless: tomodachi life, inside, tales of the borderlands, life is strange, and more which
I can't think of at the moment.